Mermaid Sightings
THE ENCHANTING MERMAID IS CAPABLE OF CONQUERING WATER AND LAND. Although we have experienced a multitude of changes, we never lose sight of the shore and the bond of Sisterhood.
Undergraduate Chapters
Explore the Lambda Lands.
*Inactive Chapters

Genesis Alpha
Montclair State University

Geminate Beta
William Paterson University

Trilogy Gamma
New Jersey Institute of Technology

Delta Quanyx
Kean University

Quint Epsilon*
Jersey City

Ever Zeta
Ramapo College

Heptakin Eta
Seton Hall University

Leonyne Theta
Rutgers University – New Brunswick

Feline Iota
New Jersey City University

Krystallyne Kappa*
The College of New Jersey

Leviathan Lambda*
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Prysmatic Mu*
Florida State University

Nexthys Nu*
Rider University

Xpedieenth Xi*
Fairleigh Dickinson University

Vydurance Omicron*
State University of New York at New Paltz

Phonoxy Pi*
Francis Marion University

Nezwaly Rho*
Temple University

Ariamas Sigma*
Stockton University

Vierenti Upsilon*
American International College

Trinphoenite Phi*
Rutgers University – Newark

Travinsus Chi
Rutgers University – Camden

Nyris Psi
Rowan University

Novalescent Alpha Alpha
Bloomfield College

Kyanite Alpha Beta
Caldwell University
Explore the Lambda Lands.
*Inactive Establishments

Tau Establishment*
Philadelphia, PA

Stevens Establishment
Stevens Institute of Technology

Trinity Establishment
Trinity College
Professional Chapters
The Mission of the professional chapters of Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Incorporated is to enhance the experience of sisterhood for our members as they grow in their personal and professional journeys. Our chapters’ initiatives foster leadership, civic service, multiculturalism, and love among sisters.

Bergen - Passaic Professional Chapter
New Jersey

Central NJ Professional Chapter
New Jersey

Northeast NJ Professional Chapter
New Jersey

New York Professional Chapter
New York

South East Professional Chapter

South NJ Professional Chapter
New Jersey

Northwest NJ Professional Chapter
New Jersey
Outside of our defined alumnae regions?
For Enchanting Mermaids who were inducted into Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Incorporated during their undergraduate tenure and reside outside of the areas listed above. Please email to collaborate with our NGB in establishing a professional chapter in your area.
Women at the post-graduate level who are interested in joining our organization via our professional New Member Education process may elect one of the aforementioned professional chapters, or be considered as a potential founding member of a new professional chapter. Please complete the following inquiry form and one of our expansion officers will be in touch shortly.
Reserved Chapters
The Serenys Omega chapter is reserved for deceased sisters only.

Serenys Omega
Reserved for Deceased Sisters