As an organization founded on the principles of helping our community, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. recognizes the global and local concerns that affect our society. Since our inception, the vision of our Founders has been for our members to dedicate themselves to noble service in order to tackle some of the issues that affect us as a human race. Particularly, the focus of the organization would be on the welfare of children, and as such, providing voluntary service on different causes that affect the well-being of children.

What We Do
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. has adopted

Helping Children All Over the World
The Blue Pinwheel Campaign is the official national community service of Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. We adopted this campaign in April 2005 with the objective of providing awareness of different types of child abuse suffered by adolescents worldwide. Our goal is to prevent this global epidemic by providing our community with resources, facts, and even programs that allow us to speak about these topics. We believe that by equipping ourselves with knowledge on this matter, we can fight together to eliminate the chances of hurting an innocent, adolescent life.

Ongoing Causes
Within our goals for this cause, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. conducts fundraising events to support Prevent Child Abuse America, a national organization founded on supporting the welfare of children. Among some of our programs is one of our focal events “Celebrating the Life of Innocence”, which is a fashion show with the participation of children of different ages. Our goal is to not only expose our community to the different, bright faces of tomorrow but also to provide our youth an outlet to build their confidence, pride, and character; which will later serve as good leadership tools in their development.
Rubber wristband Sale
Annual Walk
How You Can Get Involved
For more information regarding Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. community service efforts, contact the National Community Service Director at communityservice@lambdatauomega.org.