About ΛΤΩ
Since 1988
Some call it a myth, but the reality of Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc.’s herstory is that it lives profoundly in the hearts of the womyn who dare to take part in her story.

Our Story
Transitioning into an era where society no longer dictated a woman’s true capabilities, a group of sixteen young womyn at Montclair State College met with a common objective to create their own unique sisterhood. Their vision was to create a sorority that would uplift womyn of all social structures while striving towards excellence through their ideals and accomplishments.
A sisterhood that would embrace diversity and that would devote selfless service towards the community; concentrating on children’s welfare. Through the challenges that they experienced to create each unique component that would later define this sisterhood, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. was created, and formally established on October 9, 1988.
What Defines Us
While many factors influence the roles that individuals play in their cultures and communities, education was a primary focus to our Founders. As such, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. would serve as a common social ground that would empower womyn from different walks of life, while always upholding the traditions and beliefs which we were founded upon.
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. as an entity would be defined by service, diversity, independence, self-actualization and confidence to enchant the world one woman at a time, at the very least. And through the years, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. thrives on that vision; becoming known as a network of womyn who strive for “Excellence through Unity, Knowledge and Dedication”; motivated by a commitment to sisterhood as envisioned by our 16 Founding Mothers.
“…we realized that we had much in common, mainly our desire to empower ourselves and other women…”

16 Founding Mothers
*Scroll over the name for picture
All Founders
Sandra S.
Yvette B.
Yaniris C. (not Pictured)
Yvonne B.
Belinda D.
Lisa T.
Monica L. F.
Carmen A.
Andrys G. (not pictured)
Marisol A.
Yamely A.
Sonia L.
Nancy G.
Mayra R.
Evelyn O.
Liliana A.
Belinda Diaz Founding Mother AA16
In the fall of 1987, I entered college as many do, not knowing what to expect. My hope was that the next few years would bring me knowledge, networks, friendships and a true sense of purpose. I knew that I didn’t just want to exist at Montclair State College, but rather I wanted to truly experience and relish my time there to the fullest. Most importantly, I was certain that I wanted to leave an imprint somehow.
Read More As fate would have it, I quickly began meeting some very interesting young women during that first year. As we were getting to know one another, we realized that we had much in common, mainly our desire to empower ourselves and other women and to encourage collegiate success and beyond. Two upperclassmen in particular had a very exciting and intriguing idea. Several of us decided to meet informally to hear about a rare opportunity that few are afforded – to be the Founders of a Greek organization. Over the course of months, our attendance withered, but our determination blossomed. Those of us who remained became unbelievably attached to each other. We bonded because of our common goal – to realize our vision of bringing something uniquely beautiful to our campus. With thoughtful planning and presenting to the powers that be, our creation took form, and after just about a year, we were finally ready to unveil our fluid masterpiece. In the end only 16 remained. On October 2, 1988, as students went about their daily business, those same 16 stopped many of them dead in their tracks. Without warning, a line of 16 women dressed in black STOMPED their black boots through the campus yard and into the main atrium, all the while chanting as loudly and proudly as possible… That moment in time forever changed the course of my life and many others then and since. I had the distinct honor of being the 16th in line, and to this day I can hear the echo of our feet hitting the concrete below us as we marched in unison. Never in my life had I experienced something of that nature, and I am grateful beyond words for having had it. “We Came, We’re Here, You Can’t Deny that We are

While fostering the spirit of Sisterhood and high academic scholarship, the purpose of this organization is to promote the socio-political and educational welfare of children through the application of knowledge and dedication to noble services.
In carrying out the MISSION of Lambda Tau Omega, Sisters shall strive to personify three ideals:
1. The acquisition of knowledge through scholarship,
2. The application of professional and leadership qualities in advancing the welfare of children, and
3. The fostering of honorable Sisterly spirit within Lambda Tau Omega.
The VISION of Lambda Tau Omega is to be a premier scholarship sorority by emulating “Excellence through Unity, Knowledge, and Dedication.”
Commitment to goal
Commitment to academic achievement
Commitment to mission
Commitment to vision
Commitment to community
Commitment to multiculturalism
ΛΤΩ Facts
Official Name
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Incorporated.
Founding Date & Institution
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. was founded on October 9,1988 by sixteen young, intelligent, and resilient womyn at Montclair State College now known as Montclair State University.
Excellence Through Unity, Knowledge, and Dedication.
Womyn of all walks of life—including race, color, religion, orientation, political views, national regions, etc.—support each other in this colorful and multi-faceted organization. We believe that the challenges, struggles, and triumphs we encounter through our gender unite us as a force that can overcome all.
Our lifelong journey in this Sisterhood begins at a college or university because Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. encourages the pursuit of knowledge through higher learning. In addition, the rich knowledge of our Founders and our history helps guide us into the shining future of our Sisterhood.
We are dedicated to our vision, our cause, to each other, and to the goal of becoming outstanding, resilient, and superior women.
Sorority Call
SEAQUIN [See-a-quin]
The Enchanting Mermaid
Sorority Shield
Sorority Colors
Royal Blue and Light Gray
LTO’s, The Mermaids
We happily call each other “Sisters,” “Linesisters,” and “Sorors” –when others refer to our Sisters, we most often go by “Mermaids” or “LTOs” … (i.e. the Mermaids are hosting a fundraiser!)
Philanthropic Focus
The Welfare of Children.
Children teach humans patience, compassion, humility,
Hand Sign
Multicultural Membership
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. identifies herself as a multicultural sorority. Our Founders sought out to create an organization whose membership was open to
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. embraces cultural individuality. In an ever-changing society, consisting of a myriad of cultures, it is our focus to uphold the traditions and beliefs that make up the uniqueness of our existence. In an effort to provide cultural awareness, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. recognizes multiculturalism through educational and social programs on the national and chapter levels.
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. is an entity of womyn who believe that we can accomplish anything once we set ourselves to achieve a goal. Self-actualization and independence are treasured qualities of the Sorority, which we deeply embrace and take pride in. Since the inception, Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. began her journey alone and has vowed that Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. shall NEVER be affiliated with any fraternity.
Decades later, we continue to pride ourselves on being independent womyn who will ALWAYS be independent womyn. Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. shall remain independent; We do not have a brother fraternity, but we have and will continue to build close working relationships with many. We have sponsored many events with fraternal organizations and will continue to do so.
Emphasis on Womyn Empowerment
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. is an entity of womyn who believe that we can accomplish anything once we set ourselves to achieve a goal. Self-actualization and independence are treasured qualities of the Sorority, which we deeply embrace and take pride in. Since the very beginning of the Sorority, we have upheld the concept of independence and we vow that Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. shall forever be an independent Sorority with no affiliation to any brotherhood organization.
National Umbrella
Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. is a founding member of the National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC). The NMGC is an umbrella council for a coalition of Multicultural Greek-letter organizations (
For more information, visit: www.nationalmgc.org
Disclaimer: Womyn vs Women
We, the members of Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. recognize that the orthodox spelling for the words “woman” and “women” contain the letters “a” and “e” respectively; as opposed to the alternate spelling used in modern times, which contains the letter “y” (womyn). The word “womyn” originated from the Old English word “wifman”, which means female human; however, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term “womyn” traces its earliest use to 1975, for a “womyn’s festival” held by a group of feminists. During the 1970s, feminist groups started forming in efforts to fight for gender equality. Women’s rights to vote, as we know, were not granted in the U.S. until 1920, yet for so many years, we continued being a subjugated group; recognized as a subset of men. The kitchen/house has always been described as the place where women belong, and it wasn’t till the 1970’s when we, as a gender, began speaking up; fighting for a voice and nonetheless equal rights.
Feminism is described as the belief in the right of women to have political, social, and economic equality with men; and in being so Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. identifies herself as an entity of women who believes in the equal rights of women; therefore daring to adopt the use of the term, womyn. We do not, however, represent nor condone the oppression of the male gender in any way or form. Choosing to use such term is voluntary for our members, yet collectively, it is used as a representation of the pride we share in our own accomplishments and strengths as womynkind.